Pleasant Hill

United Methodist Church

OuR CHURCH History

Pleasant Hill United Methodist Church began as a small mission station on a Methodist circuit shortly after the Civil War.  With only a local lay pastor, an ordained minister visited regularly to lead revivals and share in the sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion.
By 1888 the church held a permanent position, and built a small white frame building on a lot that was purchased for only $50. The church soon added a parsonage and a large cast iron bell, which is still used to sound the beginning of worship.

In those days circuit-riding preachers, like everyone else, led difficult lives, with sickness and death as constant companions and financial rewards small.

Nonetheless, the small community of faith held together. The original building, which burned in 1937, was replaced by the current brick sanctuary. In 1970 the US Census listed Pleasant Hill as a “declining town.” Church membership totaled eighty-five.


But a new trend was just beginning, and DeSoto County entered a period of spectacular growth. The church expanded and changed as well. Additions and renovations provided more space for the growing congregation, with a new Family Life Center being the most recent of these additions.
For over one hundred twenty-five years, Pleasant Hill United Methodist Church has joined together those who share in the beliefs and practices of Methodism's dedication to loving God and neighbor.


What should I wear? 

Wear whatever you makes you feel comfortable. From the start, we want you to know that PHUMC cares about your heart and your life, not your clothes. Some people feel come wearing their best suits and dresses, and others wear shorts and t-shirts. So wear what you feel comfortable in, as we want you to feel right at home.

Where do I park?

We are fortunate to have a large parking lot for you to use. There are handicapped parking spaces available by the sanctuary, education building, and Family Life Center. The sanctuary is wheelchair-accessible at the red doors that face Pleasant Hill Road (the "front" of the church building).

Where do I go once I am inside?

Our greeters will be happy to help you find your way to the Sanctuary (where we worship), to Sunday School classes, or to the nursery. Anywhere you need to go, just ask and we will show you the way!


No, certainly not. You will not be asked to introduce yourself during worship, wear a special name tag, or do anything else that might embarrass you.  We do, however, want you to know that we are ready to connect when you are. You are invited to fill out a visitor's card, found in the bulletin, so that we may pray for you and connect with you.

What should I do with my children?

We  love to have children in worship. However, if you need to make use of our nursery, you may find it  in the education building which is  located by entering the South Entrance (the double glass doors) by the sanctuary.  As you enter the glass doors under the awning, there will be persons who will direct you to the nursery.

What can I expect during a worship service?

Worship is one of the most important things that we "do" as a community. In fact, we believe that when we are at our best, our entire lives are an act of worship. When you come to a worship service at PHUMC, our primary focus is on God. Everything that we do - our singing, our praying, our giving, our talking, our listening - it is all for God. A typical worship service at PHUMC involves all kinds of things: we sing songs from our hymnal, we say communal affirmations of what we believe about God and our relationship with God, there will be a time of sharing things we celebrate and things we lament and then we pray about those things together, the choir will sing, the Scriptures will be read, the pastor will preach, we collect financial donations to help support the ministries of the church (we call them tithes and offerings), we sing some more, and we are sent out with a blessing. On the first Sunday of the month, we celebrate Holy Communion/Eucharist/Lord's Supper. And on any given Sunday, you might witness the baptism of an infant or an adult.